Terms and conditions


Basic information about the company:

Company (full name): Milica Bougle Porter PR Amorena

Tax identification number (TIN): 66152863
Activity and activity code: 1413 – Manufacture of other clothing

Company head office (street and number, place): Beogradska 62, 34000 Kragujevac
Phone number: +381 (0)63 7324354
Phone number of online store: +381 (0)63 7324354
E-mail address of online store: contact@amorena-beach.com

Payment conversion statement:

All payments will be effected in Serbian currency – dinar (RSD). The amount your credit card account will be charged is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Serbian dinar according to the current exchange rate of the Serbian National Bank.
When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion, there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated on our website.

Customer service

For any additional questions or any clarification of any of the above-defined rules for the functioning of our website www.amorena-beach.com or your rights as a customer, you may contact us in one of the following ways: by e-mail to the email address contact@amorena-beach.com, or simply call us at +381 (0)63 7324354 in the period from 08:00 – 15:00 every working day.

Delivery of goods and possible restrictions

Shipping costs for all our products are free!

Republic of Serbia

The delivery time is 2-5 working days for the territory of the Republic of Serbia and starts from the first following working day after sending the order. In case of a delivery delay, our operator will inform you about the same.
Your order for the territory of the Republic of Serbia will be delivered by the Post Express courier service every working day, to the address you left when ordering. Please ensure that during that period there is a person at the address who can collect the shipment. The courier is obliged to try to deliver each shipment twice. The usual practice of the D Express company is that if the courier does not find you at your address, he will try to call you on the phone you left when creating the purchase order and arrange a new convenient delivery date. If you are not found at the address the second time after agreeing on the delivery date, the shipment will be returned to us. Upon receipt of the shipment, we will contact you by phone in order to determine the reason for the non-delivery of the shipment and when it suits you to send it again.
After sending the shipment, we will send you an email with the code of your order, based on which you can follow the status of the order and the new projected delivery time on the Post Express website.

All your orders placed during weekends and holidays will be processed on the first working day.

The rest of the world

For territories outside the Republic of Serbia, the delivery deadline is in accordance with the delivery deadlines defined by the courier services DHL and POSTEXPORT. The delivery time depends on the chosen courier service and the Zone in which the country of delivery is located and is from 7 to 15 days (for Europe 7-10 days, for the rest of the world 10-20 days). Please keep in mind that if you choose to transport by POSTEXPORT, it will take a few days longer compared to the fast courier service DHL, most likely 5-10 more depending on the country of delivery. The delivery terms also depend on specific local legal regulations, among other things, on the working hours of the customs services and their handling procedures, which can be reflected in the aforementioned delivery terms. When planning your orders, please take into account any unforeseen circumstances that may occur, which may affect the projected delivery dates and are not dependent on us.
Your order will be delivered during the working day (Monday-Friday), in the period from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., all in accordance with the working hours of local DHL branches in the country of delivery, i.e. delivery deadlines of local postal services with which POSTEXPORT has a contract. about cooperation.

Important: Amorena provides free postage, but customs and tax costs are paid by the customer.

Claims policy

You have the right to file complaints, claims or objections in accordance with the Law on Consumer Protection for all products you have purchased through the website www.amorena-beach.com.
We refund funds from the Agreement within 18 days of the original purchase.


On behalf of Amorena, we promise to protect the privacy of all our customers. We collect only necessary, basic data about customers/users and data necessary for business operations and informing users in accordance with good business practices and with the aim of providing quality service. We give customers a choice including the ability to decide whether or not they want to be removed from mailing lists used for marketing campaigns.
All user/customer data is strictly kept and is only available to employees for which these data are necessary for the performance of work. All Amorena employees are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.

Protection of confidential transaction data

When entering payment card data, confidential information is transmitted via a public network in a protected (encrypted) form using the SSL protocol and the PKI system, as currently the most modern cryptographic technology.
Data security during purchases is guaranteed by the payment card processor, Banca Intesa ad Beograd, so the entire payment process is carried out on the bank’s website. Payment card information is not available to our system at any moment


In the case of returning goods and refunding funds to a customer who previously paid with one of the payment cards, partially or in full, and regardless of the reason for the return, Amorena is obliged to make the refund exclusively via VISA, EC/MC, Maestro, Amex and Dina methods payments, which means that the bank will refund the funds to the card user’s account at the seller’s request.

VAT statement

Amorena is not in the VAT system



Uslovi korišćenja i prodaje

Osnovni podaci o firmi:

Firma (pun naziv): Milica Bougle Porter PR Amorena
Poreski identifikacioni broj (PIB): 112511346
Maticni broj: 66152863
Delatnost i šifra delatnosti: 1413 – Proizvodnja ostale odeće
Sedište firme (ulica i broj, mesto): Beogradska 62, 34000 Kragujevac
Broj telefona online prodavnice: +381 (0)63 7324354
E-mail online prodavnica: contact@amorena-beach.com

Izjava o konverziji

Sva plaćanja biće izvršena u lokalnoj valuti Republike Srbije – dinar (RSD).Za informativni prikaz cena u drugim valutama koristi se srednji kurs Narodne Banke Srbije.
Iznos za koji će biti zadužena Vaša platna kartica biće izražen u Vašoj lokalnoj valuti kroz konverziju u istu po kursu koji koriste kartičarske organizacije, a koji nama u trenutku transakcije ne može biti poznat. Kao rezultat ove konverzije postoji mogućnost neznatne razlike od originalne cene navedene na našem sajtu.

Korisnički servis

Za sva dodatna pitanja ili eventualna razjašnjenja bilo kog od gore definisanih pravila funkcionisanja našeg internet sajta www.amorena-beach.com ili Vaših prava kao kupca možete nam se obratiti na jedan od sledećih načina: dopisom koji ćete nam poslati na email adresu contact@amorena-beach.com, ili nas jednostavno pozovite telefonom na broj +381 (0)63 7324354 u periodu od 08:00 – 15:00h svakog radnog dana.

Isporuka robe i moguća ograničenja

Troškovi dostave za sve naše proizvode su besplatni!

Republika Srbija

Rok isporuke je 2-5 radnih dana za teritoriju Republike Srbije i počinje da teče od prvog narednog radnog dana posle slanja porudžbine. Troškove isporuke na teritoriji Republike Srbije snosi Amorena. U slučaju kašnjenja isporuke naš operater će Vas obavestiti o istom.
Vašu porudžbinu za teritoriju Republike Srbije će u periodu od 8-16h svakog radnog dana isporučiti kurirska služba Post Express, na adresu koju ste ostavili pri poručivanju. Molimo Vas da u tom periodu obezbedite da na adresi bude osoba koja može da preuzme pošiljku. Kurir ima obavezu da pokuša da uruči svaku pošiljku u dva navrata. Uobičajena praksa firme D Express je da ukoliko Vas kurir ne pronađe na adresi, pokuša da Vas pozove na telefon koji ste ostavili prilikom kreiranja narudžbenice i da ugovori novi prigodan termin isporuke. Ukoliko Vas i drugi put nakon dogovaranja termina isporuke ne pronađe na adresi pošiljka će se vratiti nama. Po prijemu pošiljke, kontaktiraćemo Vas telefonskim putem kako bi smo ustanovili koji je razlog neuručenja pošiljke i kada Vam odgovara da istu ponovo pošaljemo.
Nakon slanja pošiljke, poslaćemo Vam email sa kodom Vaše porudžbine na osnovu koga možete na sajtu Post Express-a pratiti status iste i novo projektovano vreme uručenja.

Sve Vaše porudžbine nastale tokom vikenda i praznika, biće obrađene prvog narednog radnog dana.

Ostatak sveta

Za teritorije izvan Republike Srbije rok isporuke je u skladu sa rokovima isporuke definisanim od strane kurirskih službi DHL i POSTEXPORT. Rok isporuke zavisi od izabrane kurirske službe i Zone u kojoj se nalazi zemlja u koju se vrši isporuka i iznosi od 7 do 15 dana (za Evropu 7-10 dana, za ostatak sveta 10-20 dana). Ovde možete preuzeti Tabele sa zonama i rokovima isporuke. Molimo Vas da imate u vidu da ukoliko izaberete transport POSTEXPORT-om isti će trajati nekoliko dana duže u odnosu na brzu kurirsku službu DHL, najverovatnije 5-10 više u zavisnosti od zemlje isporuke. Rokovi isporuke zavise i od specifičnih lokalnih zakonskih regulativa, između ostalog i od termina rada carinskih službi i procedura postupanja istih, što se može odraziti na napred navedene rokove isporuke. Molimo Vas da u planiranju Vaših porudžbina imate u vidu i eventualne nepredviđene okolnosti koje se mogu dogoditi, a koje mogu da utiču na projektovane rokove isporuke i ne zavise od Modne kuće Luna.
Vaša porudžbina će biti isporučena u toku radnog dana (ponedeljak-petak), u periodu od 8-17 h, a sve u skladu sa radnim vremenom lokalnim filijala DHL-a u zemlji isporuke tj rokovima isporuka lokalnih poštanskih službi sa kojima POSTEXPORT ima sklopljen ugovor o saradnji.

Važno: Amorena obezbeđuje besplatnu poštarinu, ali eventualne troškove carine i poreza plaća kupac.

Politika reklamacija

Za sve proizvode koje ste kupili putem internet sajta www.amorena-beach.com imate pravo da izjavite žalbu, reklamacije ili primedbe u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti potrošača.
Vraćamo sredstva iz Ugovora u roku od 18 dana od prvobitne kupovine.

Zaštita privatnosti korisnika

U ime Amorene bavezujemo se da ćemo čuvati privatnost svih naših kupaca. Prikupljamo samo neophodne, osnovne podatke o kupcima/ korisnicima i podatke neophodne za poslovanje i informisanje korisnika u skladu sa dobrim poslovnim običajima i u cilju pružanja kvalitetne usluge. Dajemo kupcima mogućnost izbora uključujući
mogućnost odluke da li žele ili ne da se izbrišu sa mailing lista koje se koriste za marketinške kampanje.
Svi podaci o korisnicima/kupcima se strogo čuvaju i dostupni su samo zaposlenima
kojima su ti podaci nužni za obavljanje posla. Svi zaposleni u Amoreni odgovorni su za poštovanje načela zaštite privatnosti.

Zaštita poverljivih podataka o transakciji

Prilikom unošenja podataka o platnoj kartici, poverljive informacija se prenose putem javne mreže u zaštićenoj (kriptovanoj) formi upotrebom SSL protokola i PKI sistema, kao trenutno najsavremenije kriptografske tehnologije.
Sigurnost podataka prilikom kupovine, garantuje procesor platnih kartica, Banca Intesa ad Beograd, pa se tako kompletni proces naplate obavlja na stranicama banke. Niti jednog trenutka podaci o platnoj kartici nisu dostupni našem sistemu

Povraćaj sredstava

U slučaju vraćanja robe i povraćaja sredstava kupcu koji je prethodno platio nekom od platnih kartica, delimično ili u celosti, a bez obzira na razlog vraćanja, Amorena je u obavezi da povraćaj vrši isključivo preko VISA, EC/MC, Maestro, Amex i Dina metoda plaćanja, što znači da će banka na zahtev prodavca obaviti povraćaj sredstava na račun korisnika kartice

Izjava o PDV-u

Amorena nije u sistemu PDV-a